Monday, 2 May 2016

International Harry Potter Day 2016!

The Sorting Hat’s New Song



Not so many years ago, the Dark Lord was defeated.

Those left behind sought out to see the old systems deleted.

Four houses that had once nearly torn our school apart,

So they thought to change our ways, to make another start.


Boundaries and divisions set our world in black and white,

If we’d continued that way, we’d have meet a sorry plight.

So they sought to make anew the great houses of old,

That we may sort our students, yet keep them in the fold.


They sat down to think and plan, to find a better way,

Something to soften divisions, to keep tension at bay.

And so they decided on twelve houses, not four,

To forge the path together as they’d never done before.


The Hufflerins work day and night, to see their plans take fruit,

But never do they deceive to win; they take another route.

The Huffleclaws foster the best, patiently teaching others,

They create brilliant ways to uplift sisters and brothers.

And always look to Huffledor to see what one can be,

Fight for what’s right, for justice, for love and honesty.


The dreams and goals of Slytherpuffs are realised every day;

Their loyalty makes good connections, in work and in play.

The shining group of Slytherclaw will always come out top,

Their iron determination and intelligence won’t stop.

Boundaries are pushed by Slytherdors, with fearless ambition;

No one will get in their way once they’re on a mission.


You’ll look hard to find things Ravenpuffs don’t excel at,

They’ll work their minds to gain prowess at the drop of a hat.

In Ravenrin, those select few are chosen to take part,

In brilliant ways that they achieve to set themselves apart.

The Ravendors bravely pursue knowledge at every cost,

They look on what is to gain, never what could be lost.


In Gryffinpuff you’ll always find friends looking for fun,

Daring and adventure, one for all and all for one.

You may think the Gryffinrins are mad with the things they do,

But see the reward of those risks, it always sees them through.

The Gryffinclaws are always out to save the world and us,

Their clever methods leave us all good without a fuss.


So they tore down the dormitories, the tables and the teams,

To let students choose where to eat, to play and share their dreams.

And Hogwarts is united, after so, so many years,

Never again to turn away from its friends and its peers.


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