Who are You who never leaves me?
What are You that sets me free?
Where are You that you’re always here?
Why do You love me, wipe my every tear?
You’re my protector when I’m lost and alone.
You’re the strength I don’t have on my own.
You’re my heart as it beats,
You’re the one that my soul meets.
You loved me when I laughed at You,
Loved me when I cursed You, too.
You loved me when I pushed You away,
You love me and You’re here to stay.
You’re the one I run to first,
The one whom I bring every hurt.
The one who can make me smile,
Even when it’s hurt for a while.
You’re the light in my eyes,
You’re the one who helps me rise,
Rise above the fear and pain,
Gently lifting all my strain.
You’re my confident and my friend,
The one who’ll see me to the end.
You’re the one really who knows me,
Your acceptance sets me free.
You died so that I need not,
You so love me, and for what?
I could live a thousand years,
And never deserve Your pain and tears.
Yet You suffered so that I may rest,
You took me and made me blessed.
You are the purpose of my life,
The direction I look to in all strife.
You are the reason for my joy,
You will let nothing destroy
The life you’ve helped me build,
Now what was empty has been filled.
You are the one I long to see,
To my hope, You are the key.
No doubt I’ll again let You down,
But you will never let me drown,
In regret or fear, anything but love,
Heavenly, sent from above.
And when, at the end of my days,
I come and fix You with my gaze,
There’s only one thing I want to do –
Say ‘Thank you, and I love you.’
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