Saturday, 1 June 2013


I'm completely new at this, so here goes! This is just a little piece about myself :)

Know Me

You say you want to know me. You ask me where I went to school, where I grew up and who my parents are. You don’t know me. You will never know me.

If you want to know me, you must read Harry Potter. Read The Sword of Truth, Twilight, and The Hunger Games. See the magic, cast the spells, soar over the ground on a dragon's back. If you want to know me, do not ask what my favourite food is.

Ask if I have dined with the fairies, ask if I have drank from the Fountain of Youth. Ask if I have sailed past the sun on the wings of a phoenix. Ask if I have ridden unicorns through the forest. Ask if I have broken bread with kings and peasants alike.

If you want to know me, watch Avatar and Star Trek. Fly into strange and alien worlds, see them shimmer before your eyes. If you want to know me, grasp things that you can barely comprehend. If you want to know me, do not look at this dull, lifeless thing we call reality. Breathe fresh air in a place of your choosing. Climb the highest mountain in the kingdom. Fight back invading armies, lead free people to fight for liberty.

If you want to know me, do not write textbooks or documentaries. See stories in your mind and let them flow onto paper. Let magic swirl from your fingertips, creating new worlds with no more than a stroke of keys. If you want to know me, write of magic and true love, and the triumph of good versus evil, of heroes and their happy endings.

Until you have cried yourself to sleep in anguish over Harry’s death, or laughed in joy at Richard’s triumph, you have never known me. Until you have created a world of your choosing, lived there and loved there, through both joy and suffering, you will never know me. Until you have entered the worlds in which I dwell, you have never known me, and you never will.

You say you want to know me, but in truth, you cannot, for I am not here. If you want to know me, you need to fly. You need to meet me in worlds of magic and wonder, for that is where I really am. I live fairy tales, my life is the stuff of magic. Sorcerers cast spells in my dreams, and new fantastical worlds awaken when I do.

You say you want to know me, but first you need to find me.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty awesome and so creative too! Keep up the great work Lauren! Supporting your dreams of writing 100%!
