Friday, 1 May 2015

International Harry Potter Day 2015

Happy international Harry Potter day! May the Dark Arts never defeat you, and you lives be full of magic! :) In honour of the occasion I’ve written a little piece on the Hogwarts Houses for people who don’t know much about them, or for people who don’t understand them properly, due to the fact they haven’t read the books enough times. I know all real fans understand perfectly, but feel free to share with your less-educated peers.



Quality 1: hard working

Quality 2: loyal

Quality 3: honest

Quality 4: patient

Incorrect negative stereotype: stupid

Correct negative stereotype: weak (personalities)



Quality 1: intelligent

Quality 2: love of learning

Quality 3: creative

Quality 4: witty

Incorrect negative stereotype: none (assumption is correct)

Correct negative stereotype: arrogance



Quality 1: brave

Quality 2: daring

Quality 3: bold

Quality 4: chivalrous

Incorrect negative stereotype: none (assumption is correct)

Correct negative stereotype: reckless / attention seeking



Quality 1: ambitious

Quality 2: resourceful

Quality 3: determined

Quality 4: cunning (in a good way or a bad way, depending on the person)

Incorrect negative stereotype: evil

Correct negative stereotype: selfish / prejudiced



Applies to all members of house, though house members can have qualities from other houses, too. People are placed in the house they have the most in common with. Example: someone can be hard working, but they won't be placed in Hufflepuff if they are more intelligent and creative than they are hard working (they go to Ravenclaw). Exceptions happen when people are mis-Sorted (example: Wormtail, who wasn’t brave, shouldn’t have been a Gryffindor)



This is what people automatically think of the house. Applies to some members of the house, but not all; someone with one of the correct negative stereotypes will probably (though not infallibly) be in the corresponding house. Example: if someone is arrogant, they will probably be in Ravenclaw, but this doesn't mean all Ravenclaws are arrogant. Exceptions are common.



Hufflepuffs are the kind ones; the loyal friends, the patient teachers… the ones you always turn to when you have no one else.

Ravenclaws are the brilliant ones; the scientists, the mathematicians… the cutting edge of academia all over the world.

Slytherins are the successful ones; the entrepreneurs, company owners… outstanding in their various fields.

Gryffindors are the heros; the policemen, the fire fighters… always trying to save the world.


Everyone knows that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor need no defence – the books showed them in a perfectly good light. However, to this day, Slytherin and Hufflepuff get a whole bunch of rubbish from ignorant people; here is what you can say to them.


Hufflepuff defence:

You’re right – we’re not the highfliers, the ones in the spotlights. We’re the ones who fall through the cracks. We’re the ones who do the little things that no one else has time for. You may look down on us because we’re not as successful, smart or brave as you are, but the world needs us.

You need us to teach those who need help, you need us to accept those who everyone rejects, you need us to be honest with you when everyone else shows you only lies. You need to be able to rely on us, you need us to be loyal when you’ve been hurt and betrayed. You need us in all the small ways. All the world sees is your splendour, but they don’t see how close you were to failure, how you were once ready to give up and you turned to us for help.

We are the ones who encourage Slytherins when they are sure all their dreams will fail. We are the ones who’ll sit with Ravenclaws for hours letting them bounce ideas off us. We are the ones who comfort and heal the Gryffindors when they’re hurt and weary from their struggles.

You may look down on us, but you’ll turn to us when you need us. And when you do, we’ll be there, even if you’ve hurt us, ignored us and abandoned us, because that’s what being a Hufflepuff is. Maybe to the world it looks like nothing, but when you come to us empty handed with no one else to turn to, for you, it looks like everything.


Slytherin defence

Do you like your life? Do you like being able to flick a switch and have light? Do you like being able to visit friends and family in other countries? Perhaps you would prefer to go and chop up some wood every time you wanted light, to spend years on a journey to see others in distant countries?

I think not.

Humanity has clawed itself up from the dirt, one step at a time. Look at how our society has advanced – our technology, medicine, increasingly equal rights for everyone, basic living conditions… sure, there are loads of problems, but if you compare them to the problems of the past? We’re coasting here.

We rode to where we are on the backs of Slytherins. Slytherins are the achievers, the ones who’re always trying to be better, bigger, always pushing for that step forward.

Sure, they may have gotten some help from Ravenclaws, but Ravenclaws are interested in the intellectual; it’s the Slytherins who take those findings and use them. Slytherins solve problems; they are constantly trying to make things work better, because what they see is bigger than what any of the rest of us can even imagine.

We could have been happy with the first computer that fitted in a room. We could have lived with it. Slytherins were the ones who pushed to make it better, faster, more convenient. Slytherins are the ones who expand our economies and world trade. Slytherins are the ones we look up to when we’re asked who we want to be like.

Perhaps you would prefer to be living in a cave, warding the lions off with a stick and hoping you’ll survive the winter. If you want a world like that, then take it. For me, I’d rather live in a world where everything is constantly improved, tested, made better, ridded of defects. I’d rather have a world with Slytherins in it. Some of the best people you know are Slytherins, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.




It’s been 17 years since Voldemort was defeated, but Harry Potter still holds all of our hearts as it did on that first day when we picked up book one. If you’ve read this post right until the end, take a few minutes to do your part for Harry. Persuade someone who hasn’t to read the books. Change a life.