Monday, 13 October 2014


What is your most prized possession? Is it your house? Your car? No, your most precious possession is much more valuable than that. As humans, we take things for granted.  With so much stuff all around us, what we really value the most is a given, always there. We always worry about other things, things that don’t really matter. By the time you realise what you prize most, it has already been taken away.


My mum was a scientist – a marine biologist. She travelled the world, studying fascinating creatures of distant oceans. The doctors don’t know where she got it. I suppose it doesn’t really matter anymore.

It started with the paranoia. I told myself that it was just a midlife crisis, that she’d snap out of it. I should have known better. My mum has always been a rock in my life – constant, reliable and unchanging. I tried to help her, tried to persuade myself that her increasingly erratic behaviour could be explained by anything – any small, easily fixable thing. I kept thinking she would get better on her own – after all, she’s never been sick a day in her life.

By the time she wouldn’t go out of the house for fear of the neighbours spying on her, wouldn’t eat as she was sure Woolworths was poisoning her food, I knew something had to be done.

The doctors were completely baffled. They tried everything they knew, but it just kept getting worse. My mother was going insane and nobody could stop it. No drug, no surgery could get back for her that which she had always valued beyond anything else.

I remember worrying about not getting the dress I wanted for a party, worrying about which neighbourhood I live in and which type of car I drive. I laugh scornfully at myself. What I wouldn’t give to have those worries back now, for the most pressing things on my mind to be so trivial. Day after day, I sit in my room, surrounded by the useless stuff that I used to prize so much, but not one thing can help me get back what really matters.

Now the woman who used to be my mother is in a locked ward, heavily sedated for her own safety. I stopped visiting a while ago. I may as well be visiting a stranger. A stranger who doesn’t know she has a daughter.

Yesterday, I started experiencing symptoms of paranoia.

I haven’t told anyone yet. I don’t want to see the looks of horror on their faces when they realise that whatever my mum has is catchy. I spend my days with friends and family, but it becomes harder to hide the growing symptoms. One by one, I tell them that I love them, then bid them a silent goodbye.

Finally, only I am left. I can feel the insanity creeping up on me, stalking the dark edges of my mind. Soon, it will be too strong, and I will be carried away on the whirlwind, just like my mother. A tear falls down my cheek as I fully realise what I am losing. Before all this, I would have thought it was the end of the world to lose my brand new car. Now, I would trade everything I have just not to lose myself.

I fight it for a long time, but eventually, I know it is time. Time to go gracefully. Time to let go. I get up and look in the mirror, looking at myself. The next thing I see will probably be the walls of a padded room. No, the next thing these eyes see. I won’t be there. I take some small comfort that, even if insanity is stealing my mind from me, at least I won’t be there to see it.

I stifle a sob and tell myself that it is the not worst thing. I have had a good life, short as it was. I only wish I had appreciated what I had before it was almost gone. I stare at the brown eyes in the mirror, and they stare back at me. I can feel the madness surging, ready for my surrender, waiting to take me like it did my mum.

Maybe I will see her, wherever I am going. Is there some place that lost minds go to?

I take the snippet of hope, telling myself that I will see her again. Then I address the face in the mirror for the last time.

“Goodbye,” I whisper.

The swirling madness rears upwards, and I am gone.


Your most prized possession is your mind. Like all humans, you don’t really appreciate what you have until it is gone. By then it is too late. What you have taken for granted has already been lost.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

May Angels Watch Over You

May Angels Watch Over You



May angels watch over you,

To see you whole and made new.

Encircle with protective arms,

And keep you safe from all harms.


May angels watch over you,

Keep your skies forever blue.

Show you nothing except peace,

Let troubles in your world cease.


May angels watch over you,

Keep you fresh as morning dew.

Let them take care of your woes,

Just relax as worry goes.


May angels watch over you,

None deserve more than you do.

A thousand gentle, shining hands,

Carry you through all the lands.


May angels watch over you,

They will love you as we do.

May they help to make you brave,

Sheltered in a dark, warm cave.


May angels watch over you,

May they gently see you through.

May angels watch over you;

You just rest, we’ll see they do.




For Tam, the most amazing best friend

anyone could ever wish for! <3

Thursday, 25 September 2014

A Love Poem

A Love Poem



This is a love poem, born of passion,

Of magic and dragons and strange compassion.

This is a love poem, born of joy,

Of swords and rivers none can destroy.


This is a love poem, born of strife,

Of fighting, despair, a cutting knife.

This is a love poem, born of truth,

Of victory and flight and eternal youth.


This is a love poem, born of peace,

Of the land we turn to when life will cease.

This is a love poem, born of hope,

Of prophets and fates of endless scope.


This is a love poem, born of my heart,

Enchantment and wonder here right from the start.

This is a love poem, born of my dreams,

Fantasy, magic, much more than it seems.



Friday, 19 September 2014

If you see me

If You See Me


If you see me, will you scorn me?

Will you flee, or will you warn me?

Will you go, no looking back,

Or will you stay, pick up the slack?


If you see me, will you aid me?

Will you just capture and trade me?

Will you still defend me now,

Or leave me, abandon your vow?


If you see me, will you hurt me?

Will you injure and desert me?

Will you turn away in shame,

Allocating me the blame?


If I let you see me, will you accept me?

Will you see the good, or regret you kept me?

All in vain, thrown out with the trash,

All you thought I was in ash?


If I let you see me, will I be safe?

Or will the bonds now start to chafe?

Love offered in face of truth,

For any old or any youth?


To let you see me, to make the leap,

Into the unknown, so dark and deep.

To have faith that you’ll be kind,

Not leave me in darkness, alone and blind.


If you see me and you scorn me,

In a way, I guess you warn me.

I show myself, then I see you,

Are you false or are you true?


When you see me, who will you be?

Kind or cruel, you will set me free.

Now I see you, all that you do,

The truth sets us free, me and you.


Knowledge that may well bring pain,

But either way I stand to gain.

To see you now as you are,

Evil, or bright as a star.


Truth is the most awesome gift,

No matter how much others drift.

To see all others with clear eyes,

Even those you do despise.


Bright and clear, watch your life shine,

With truth around you, like a shrine.

Knowledge brings amazing power,

And joy, again in every hour.






In accordance with the teachings of The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind

Wilfully turning away from the truth is treason to one’s self.

Monday, 15 September 2014




Do you wish to see fairy light?

Watch the mighty dragons fight?

Do you yearn to tell a tale

Of reckless daring without fail?


Do you wish to ride unicorns?

Do battle amidst blaring horns?

Do you yearn to cast a spell

And see the closing jaws of hell?


Do you wish to see magic?

To see a world where no one’s sick?

Do you yearn to live a dream

Your life inside a magic beam?


There is a way, now close your eyes,

And then open them to surprise.

See the world we live in now,

And see the magic in each how.


How have humans learned fly?

Soaring in dragons in the sky?

How are we enclosed in light,

In the day and in the night?


How do we ride for hours on end?

Metal carriage with your friend.

How do screens jump at a touch,

You finger lighter by so much?


Magic by a different name,

The laws of nature been made tame.

Science and magic, moon and sun.

You see, humanity has won.


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Would you do it differently?

Would you do it differently?


Would you do it differently?

Would you fight or bend your knee?

Would you shout out to the crowd?

Or keep the words inside, head bowed?


Would you do it differently?

Would you set the slave girl free?

Would you make a running leap?

Or go back home and silence keep?


Would you do it differently?

Would you teach others to see?

Would you take the child’s hand?

Or keep your walk across the sand?


If we could do it differently,

How do we know who we’d be?

Alas we cannot change the past,

But those actions are not your last.


Will you do it differently?

Will you listen to the plea?

Will you stand and fight with them?

Or leave them severed at the stem?


Will you do it differently?

Will you hand condemned the key?

Will you strive only to fly?

Or go back home and just lie?


Will you do it differently?

Will you brave the raging sea?

Will you spare that one kind word?

Or follow along with the herd?


Will you do it differently?

Will you act, will you just be?

Will you do it differently?

Today is here, we shall see.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Life - a poem inspired by The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind



In your darkest times, trapped and alone,

I am the hope that shines through stone.

When defeat looms and you fear harm,

I’m the last strength that comes to your arm.


When your dreams are in ruins, thrown out in the trash,

I am the phoenix that rises from the ash.

When life is bleak and all is grey,

I am the shining light of day.

When there’s no escape, you can’t make it stop,

I’m the dragon soaring over the mountain top.


I am a gentle lover’s breath,

I’m the soft sigh that leaves us in death.

I am the bitterness of betrayal,

I am the tears beyond the veil.


I usher the darkness of eternal peace,

In a world where strife won’t cease.

I am the head that rises up,

To drink from the everlasting cup.


I stand up on the mountain peak,

Waiting to welcome those who seek.

To them, I smile and turn away.

Have you not seen the light of day?

Have you not heard laughter, not felt joy?

Do you not see what you destroy?


You seek what is already found,

In the sky, below the ground.

Your life has been given to you,

To live or squander, as you do.


So seek me and I tell you this,

My breath sustains you with its kiss.

But don’t look back at the day’s end,

And see you have too much to mend.


Live today, see life well-met,

And you will leave without regret.

One last breath, you’re at life’s helm,

Then on, you’re bound for the next realm.



Inspired by The Sword of Truth, Terry Goodkind

Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it.


Friday, 2 May 2014

International Harry Potter Day 2014

The Saving Light


In honour of International Harry Potter Day

2 May, 2014 – 16 years since Voldemort was defeated

After all this time? Always.



The stone that steadies you on rocky ground,

The joyful laughter in a land without sound,

The hand that reaches to help you up,

When about to drink from Death’s own cup.

In the darkness of eternal night,

That one last ray of saving light.


The safety of a mother’s arms,

The cooling water on sore, cracked palms.

The thing to cherish when at day’s end,

You come home to let your heart mend.

When all goes wrong, and nothing is right,

That one last ray of saving light.


The door that opens the universe,

The magic that lifts every curse.

That finds the only way to go,

No matter who or what says no.

The soft breath as the bird takes flight,

That one last ray of saving light.


The opening of the only road,

The joyful run that never slowed.

The beginning, and the end,

Your first breath and your last, my friend.

At heart’s despair, your deepest plight,

That one last ray of saving light.


The choice, last few days of your life,

One way to calm the raging strife.

To lose yourself in magic tales,

A world where evil always fails.

To see the hope, the will to fight,

That one last ray of saving light.


To shape your soul, to watch it fly,

With weapons no money can buy.

Stone at the base of the tower,

Leading to amazing power.

To find true joy, such peace, so right,

The eternal ray of saving light.



 Thank you, Harry, for the lives we have shared.

All was well.